I work at OHS as the Behavior Modification Program Manager - Canines, also known as BMOD. Specifically, me and my team help the special needs dogs who need some extra help during their time in the shelter, as well as some extra support post adoption. These dogs come from a variety of backgrounds with a variety of personalities. Most specifically we see dogs with medical needs, histories of neglect or abuse, and many under socialized dog due to hoarding situations or a lack of early socialization. The Behavior and Rescue Center - where we operate - was intentionally designed and built to help these animals decompress, recover, and heal while they await their forever homes.
In 2024, our second year in this brand new building, we were able to help more animals than ever before! We found homes for 182 dogs and cats through the Behavior Modification program; 80 dogs and 102 cats respectfully. More than any other year previously! The work we do is made possible by four certified professional dog trainers, 1 certified cat behaviorist, a couple dozen dedicated volunteers, and a staff of dedicated animal care techs.
Some success stories of 2024: - 6 dogs from a free roam hoarding case with a total of over 2 dozen dogs on a property in rural Eastern OR at risk of a wildfire found loving forever homes. - 6 dogs born and raised on a porch in the Dalles facing housing insecurity found healing, fun, and forever homes. - 2 labs from a hoarding situation where they spent the entire first year of their life in crates, found forever homes. - Wylder, born deaf and blind in one eye, developed obsessive light chasing behavior awaiting his forever home. In BMOD he found healing and an understanding home with in home support post adoption.
And many more found forever homes and endless happiness and health with the help of donations from our community.
Consider donating to my Doggie Dash so we can continue to help make an even bigger impact this year!
FEB 11
Wylder - born deaf and blind in one eye with partial vision in the other